If you have received a refund for your order without receiving it at home, it is most likely that a small internal system failure has occurred, causing a stock out. We are very sorry for this!
For us, the most important thing is your shopping experience and we strive every day to make it as satisfactory as possible in every aspect. We know that sometimes mistakes happen - we're human! But as soon as we can identify a slip-up, we proceed to offer you the best and most effective solution.
We'll tell you the details below:
- If you have received an email notifying you of an automatic refund, it is most likely due to stock shortage. What usually happens is that there were only a few units left of that item and it was sold out just a couple of seconds before, accepting your order without having recognised that it was out of stock. Normally, when a product is out of stock, the system identifies it and blocks itself from generating an order, but there are times when you are even faster than the technology itself :) As soon as we detect this situation, our team will contact you by email, explaining what happened and informing you about the status of your order. For this reason, we recommend that you first check your inbox.
- If your order had only one garment and was affected by the stock shortage, after receiving the email notifying you of what happened, we would proceed to make a full refund using the same payment method. Your order would then be refunded and cancelled. If your order contained more than one item, we would refund this item and send the rest of your order so that you can receive it at home as soon as possible. Of course, in a situation like this, we will do our best to check what happened and prevent it from happening again in the future
If, despite having read this information, you still have any doubts or need us to review any aspect of your order, please fill in the following form and we will contact you within 48 hours.
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